January 05, 2025The differentiation of this
and that
, can be sensory or it can be of a mental construct. Often the distinction is only abstract and there is in reality a continuum of deviations along some function plot, but it is useful, and often sensible, to regard things in terms of a binary dichotomy. There is this and then something that clearly isn't. Dichotomies often exist within a time domain where each of the pair tussle for dominance. The hermetic meme has a principle of correspondence, which, along with other principles, invokes thoughts of a wave dynamic.
There is a form of dichotomy where the dynamics of this and that are coded into its very being. The surface of the sea making troughs and peaks, or a plot of honest market data, are two examples. In these examples, after an apex comes an inevitable fall. Something extends beyond its natural capability, then it eventually returns with momentum, undershoots, recovers, and then the pattern repeats. There exists a force driving this behavior, constantly spurring an attribute to go above its equilibrium state. In the market, the force is the market participants seeking return. In the case of a wave on the open sea, the force is the wind born out of the humidity and temperature differentials between land and sea.
When agents begin to game each other or their environment, a far more interesting form of dichotomy can develop. If an agent that is part of a larger whole wills to express itself, and despite being constrained by the large whole finds enough agency to do so, it must become less like the larger whole. English people living amid the tyranny of old, who wanted to express themselves, had to escape overseas where they were free from the constraints placed on them by the tyrants. If a person or group, that is part of a larger collective wants to stand out or express themselves, they will have to, to some degree, move outside of the larger group. Put differently, they must explore the frontier.
In a two dimensional space this concept is encapsulated by the Yin and Yang symbol; there is this
and then there is that
, this
has a touch of that
in it, and that
has a touch of this
in it.
From a cold reinforcement learning, computer science perspective, this behavior is dictated by the concept of a payoff for an action. If objectives are not able to be met within the body main, then leaving the body main to some degree becomes a viable action, in spite of risks previously associated with such an act. What was previously an unviable move due to risk becomes more and more viable as safe action becomes inaccessible, resulting in the remembered payoff for a safe action diminishing. Here are some idioms that capture this notion: "he who dares, wins.", "think out of the box.". When considering high dimensions, action on the frontier is not merely this
becoming that
, it is this
moving into a whole new domain space, where that
might not even exist, or could exist in any number of different forms.
Slime Mold
Slime mold appears to be an example of an analogous equivalent to reinforcement learning; another example is grass growth. At first glance, its behavior may seem simple to understand. The dynamics of slime mold movements can be closely captured algorithmically, using rules for near-environment avoidance and factors governing the rate of exploratory action.
However, upon further consideration, it becomes clear that you can never exactly emulate what the mold is doing or predict its next movement with certainty; you can only model it. The entire surface of the slime mold senses its environment, and this sensing helps it identify the direction in which it can metabolize. A simulation can only predict the movements of the slime mold if it fully understands both the state of the environment and the internal state of the slime mold. In short, a perfect simulation is only possible if the simulator is the slime mold and its environment, which is impossible. There is a loss of information, meaning a true predictive simulation of the slime mold is not feasible.
The slime mold makes correct movements by having near perfect data about its immediate surroundings. If the sensory body of the slime mold is somehow exposed to bad data, its decision-making will become impaired, and its movements will be sub-optimal. This example sheds light on the games that are played in the human domain. A higher-dimensional, multi-factor dichotomy cannot be fully grasped, but we can simplify it into an abstraction. By examining slime mold in terms of what it is and what it is not, we observe a force driving growth, to the limits of what the local environment will support. The extremities act as the "tip of the spear," driving fluctuation of growth and die back behaviour that is akin to more simple wave like behaviour.
Source of Agency
A cold explanation of gaming behavior feels somewhat unsatisfactory when considering the actions of man. To claim that my volk of old sailed for months into the unknown simply to reach better fishing grounds in North America is unconvincing. The esoteric view is that there is an Odynic force, that compels such actions. On the other hand, the Eastern perspective is rooted in the concept of Yoga, specifically the drive for union and becoming one with the unknown and the greater. The concept of Yoga resonates when explaining the desire to venture into the unknown. An agent is driven to enter the unknown in order to unify with it and discover what lies there.
However, the concept of Yoga becomes unsatisfactory when explaining the recurrent tendency of an attribute to overextend beyond its equilibrium, as seen in phenomena like honest market data or a wave on the surface of the sea. In such cases, the Odynic force seems more appropriate. Consider how a wave repeatedly forms: we might say that the idea of Yoga, symbolizing a desire to unite with the "other," derives from the deeper meme of the Odynic force—a primal energy driving expression and overextension.
The observed consequences give rise to mechanisms resembling the second law of thermodynamics, but within the higher domain of lifeforms with agency. When people perceive something as easy or achievable, more individuals are inclined to attempt it. What begins as a single act, driven by an individual seeking agency, can snowball into a trickle and eventually a tide of collective action. Man's nature tends to favor remaining within the "body main", for that is a zone of safety, comfort, and resources. However, when the risk-to-reward ratio shifts, individuals are drawn to venture beyond this zone. In this instance, the primary driving forces would be the need for comfort and the will to survive.
At the foundational layer, in the context of our current understanding, we see a similar dichotomy. When there is an excess of anti-entropy and an influx of driving energy, there emerges a need to find space for expression, which is in the form of creating entropy. In this example, the distinction between the Odynic force and the sought-after state, that is the outcome of the will to union, becomes blurred. Perhaps they are one and the same: the Odynic force, in this instance could simply be external entropy, which is the very thing that the matter seeks to unify with.
Magi Magick
In the societal domain, specifically the Western sphere, there is a very clear dichotomy at play: societal constructs and the breaking of societal constructs. We are all tempted by the forbidden fruits and the allure of rule-breaking, but when you add a merchant class gaming the consumer, the outcome becomes inevitable. Fine craftsmanship and art have been universally replaced by trashy pop culture, punk aesthetics, and sex appeal.
At the time of writing, we have individuals who likely regard themselves as "tough" occupying managerial positions in the army and police, signing off with language that signals support for child abuse and genital mutilation. I do not believe such individuals possess the intellectual capacity to comprehend the metaphysical cultural impact of their actions. Perhaps the decision-makers above them do - those individuals with questionable allegiances. My society has degenerated to such a state that a reversal of this long trend feels like it is imminent. Expressing a desire for tradition or an appreciation of craftsmanship can quite literally result in being labeled as a far-right extremist, a Nazi, or "literally Hitler." Thus, the forbidden fruit becomes the appealing path. However, a desire for beauty that inspires does not serve the oligarchical beneficiaries of the state-sanctioned usury and racketeering that have become almost ubiquitous. For such a desire to be fully expressed, a change of power will be required.
This brings us to the subject of Magi Magick. The sad reality is that most so-called Magi Magick today is performed by corporate board members, intelligence agencies, military heads, and, worse still, by individuals who unknowingly set in motion mechanisms that warp reality through their actions. In each instance, this Magick serves the interests of factions that control tokenized will, in the form of currency.
The Magi are those skilled in the power of words and motivation, capable of bending reality. One mechanism of controlling reality is to dampen the natural wave of change. This is done by supporting one faction or idea, sowing division, or breaking apart another faction or tabooing ideas. Perhaps the Magi of old operated no differently, creating and propagating lies, standing by those lies, and then simply outlasting any opposition.
One of the Magi’s strategies is to prevent the natural flow of a dichotomy, symbolized by the Yin and Yang. At the inflection point of this flow, chaos arises - chaos that can destabilize the Magi or their aligned faction. To protect their position, the Magi act to avoid this chaos by keeping both sides of the dichotomy in balance. This notion is captured by the symbolism of the hexagram. In practice, this involves fueling division within a powerful group by spreading lies, preventing actions from yielding results, and encouraging internal conflict. Shakespeare’s play Othello illustrates how this might have been achieved in the past. In modern times, this is done through entities like the British Army, the legal system, and intelligence agencies, which use AI bots in discussion groups or support individuals running scams that funnel donations into black holes. Legal systems are also employed to stifle dissent when someone becomes unfavoured by the oligarchy.
On the other side of the dichotomy, when artificial support is needed, the Magi ensure that all necessary resources are available. The law either looks the other way or acts half-heartedly. A historical example is Einstein, who became a household name almost overnight through coordinated praise by major newspapers. In the modern age, this takes the form of mass signaling: certain phrases or symbols are displayed everywhere, artificial groups are created and promoted to deliver specific messages, and narratives are tightly controlled. The hexagram captures this totalitarian concept perfectly, with its upward and downward triangles symbolizing the opposing sides of a dichotomy in balance.
I have observed seemingly opposing factions expressing the same idea in some abstract form. This phenomenon stems from the inability to find shared language and metaphors that could lead to beneficial cooperation. In addition, within a previously unified group, disunity can arise due to miscommunication. One striking example I recall is hearing a Christian podcaster vehemently denounce Aleister Crowley’s teachings as pure evil, only to moments later unwittingly echo his central philosophy in reworded form: "Do what thou wilt. Love is the law, love under will." While it is true that Crowley was degenerate at times, the core of his teachings holds truth. However, his toxic actions and personality have often acted as a barrier to Yoga occurring.
Abstract discussions often become clouded by jargon, memes, and emotional biases, which obscure the essence of the topic. This can provoke contention even when there is agreement at a deeper level. It is best to listen carefully and temporarily adopt the language of the opposing side. Symbolism is the language of the gods, and persistent attempts to capture the soul of an idea, one that is inexpressible in prose, can bring people together. Of course, the inability to find common ground due to trivial misunderstandings may be by design. Antagonistic abstract ideas often serve as a proxy for a deeper, forbidden hatred that cannot be openly expressed.
Consciously or unconsciously, the tendency for miscommunication in informal language greatly aids the Magi in sowing division. With the universalism of money and the managerialism of society, the Magi of today need only issue orders and direct funding to have their will expressed. They instruct and fund areas of science that support their messaging, while stifling unwanted research. They direct policing priorities, fund groups that yield desired outcomes, and permit certain crimes to go unchecked. This pattern is observable in the unified actions and outcomes across modern agencies.
This sad reality touches most aspects of daily life. For instance, police and medical agencies in the UK operate with poorly coded systems, where instructions are delivered in a childish, simplified manner. Perhaps the Magi themselves will eventually fall victim to natural laws, having overextended their reach beyond their natural abilities.
There is a dichotomy in money itself, which currently favors the dishonest. Money is rationed, and people desperately want it. It is often the honest people with a conscience who are most in need of it. Meanwhile, criminals, so long as their accounts are approved, are fawned over for their wealth. Many people instinctively recognize these individuals as criminals, but the need for liquid cash often wins out, and business deals are made regardless. These criminals have played the game and, against all odds, successfully laundered their money. As far as the current system is concerned, their money is legitimate. Policing using the threat of violence, discourages refusing business to such individuals.
In the early days of the internet, there were outright scams advertised on websites, along with thinly veiled pyramid schemes, often featuring poorly designed ads and awkward introductory texts. Now that the internet has opened up to mass consumers, the advertisements have changed but, in many ways, remain the same. While there are fewer outright scams, there are plenty of grifts and potential pyramid schemes, and they are pervasive across even the most respected corners of the internet.
The downside of universalizing money, through monopolies and reducing currency fluctuations via risk management, is that magick is no longer the domain of the fabled Magi. With tokenized Will able to be hoarded and amassed, reality can be bent simply by repeated messaging, outlasting and wearing down detractors in a form of arbitrage. Over time, the lie becomes so big, and so many people become invested in it being true, that it is made gospel.
The following is an attempt to simulate a higher-domain dichotomy using a particle simulation. The simulation is comprised of the following components:
- A rule and variable to govern how like particles merge.
- A rule and variable to govern how like particles split.
- An attraction force that causes particles to be drawn to larger particles.
The attraction force gives a visible indication of which of the two factions of particles is winning out, and the rules governing how like particles merge and split provide the mechanism for the balance of the dichotomy to shift. The Odynic force take the form of initial velocities, and the velocities of splitting particles.
As the simulation progresses, we observe that one side gains dominance and begins to control the directional flow of the particles. By altering the variables that dictate the tendency to disperse or unite for each faction, we can simulate how biases and preferential treatment affect the state of the system.
One key insight clearly visualized in such a simulation is that the entropy of the system ensures that, even if the rules of the simulation are biased, there can still be periods where the dominant side loses its advantage, allowing the other side to gain temporary dominance. The takeaway is that within a biased system, momentary victories are possible but ultimately irrelevant in the long run. For real and lasting change in a system, any biases must either be removed or reversed.
When a third-party outsider controls a dichotomy you are partaking in, only small wins are possible. To have true agency, you need to be able to compound actions and work toward a goal. First, myths, mine and others, were supplanted to cripple agency, and then actual agency itself was curtailed. The state of the world is such that the number of sovereign powers can be counted on one hand.
So, the question becomes: how is it possible to transcend this state so that actions taken and energy exerted result in positive outcomes, rather than being wasted on fights or drained into a black hole? The situation is complicated further by the fact that there are no longer any new frontiers. All the land has been claimed, and much of it has been reserved or assigned specific utility. In days long past, the "third way" was to retreat to new lands, establish homesteads, and build communities. Today, there are offers of land for new frontiersmen, but anyone who accepts these offers would only be a guest of a sovereign power, or of a nation that merely pretends to be sovereign.
I would argue that the answer lies within the very word "transcend" as used in this context:
Transcend: to be superior to or better than some standard.
The answer was also hinted at earlier in this discussion of dichotomies: if an agent, as part of a greater this
, wills to express itself beyond the constraints of the this
, it must become that
. In other words, the agent must transcend and leave the realm of the dichotomy itself. If the realm of politics does not permit the ability to compound actions and gain agency, then one must rally under another banner, such as memes or a business union, to organize. Organizing around an idea or idol eliminates many of the pitfalls that come with formal, centralized action.
The Game
Any competent Magi will, of course, block any attempt by agents to escape his control. At its core, it is a perpetual game. To efficiently play the game and achieve sovereignty — where sovereignty represents the ability to, by comparison, have unfettered agency — the focus must be on undermining built-in biases and mechanisms of arbitrage. Biases and arbitrage create additional forces beyond the Odynic force, which further empower the beneficiary. These additional driving forces must be removed, rendered ineffectual, or alternatively they must be countered by an opposing input force that benefits your faction in its pursuit of sovereignty.