The restless spirits long to guide


August 15, 2024

Actionable knowledge.

There is a cost associated with the creation of actionable knowledge. This is poetically captured in the myth of Woden losing an eye. There is also a cost associated with moving knowledge to where it is needed. This is poetically captured in the tale of the squirrel on Yggdrasil. The cost function depends on the whole of the system, as choosing to focus on one thing leaves less potential to focus on other things. Yet another aspect of knowledge is that timely knowledge is more valuable than outdated knowledge. These high-level observations give rise to the conclusion that there is a natural bottleneck to all systems.

new knowledge = knowledge * cost / time

Consider a distributed system with an information bus with limited bandwidth, made up of nodes with limited processing power. With such a system, there are hard limits to what is knowable at any one time, at any one point in the network. The same applies scaled up to reality.

With a good understanding of this law, an individual can manipulate perceptions, for if some of the cost over time has already been expended for knowledge that is to be transformed, that knowledge can spread faster than it would in its pure form. For example, a summary of a book is relayed faster than the contents of a book.

One important implication of this understanding is that, since prejudice is a form of processed knowledge, unless operating from a position of pure love, an entity seeking to police prejudice has the intent to cause harm.

The Hermetic meme

  1. The principle of mentalism
  2. The principle of correspondence
  3. The principle of vibration
  4. The principle of polarity
  5. The principle of rhythm
  6. The principle of cause and effect
  7. The principle of gender

This old meme continues to captivate people's minds.

Points 2 - 7 are descriptions of an inductance and capacitance phenomenon, and the consequence of their interactions in a push and pull dynamic.

Point 1 is different. Though I do not see the principle of mentalism to be wholly true, I would say it holds some truth. It captures the loss of knowledge that takes place as reality passes into our perception. This could be described as a form of impedance.

Sticking with the electronics metaphor, a better updated list of principles would read as follows:

  1. Impedance - the natural limitations to the transfer of knowledge.
  2. Capacitance - the tendency to stay with the body main
  3. Inductance - the tendency to abide by the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Examples of the limitations of knowledge transfer

  • In 2020 people went crazy. At first, the narrative was believable as it fit with the meme of the great plague and the meme of the Spanish flu that was in the zeitgeist, but events quickly became farcical. People truly believed, through the web of contradictory information, that there were special types of viruses that could not be seen with a microscope, yet functioned just like visible viruses such as algae viruses. My folk once called the exact same phenomenon elf shot. So, why didn't people in this period label sickness and fear of illness elf shot? The reason lies with the cost associated with consuming the knowledge; for man from the 2020 period, the meme of viruses existed in the zeitgeist in association with sickness, whereas elves did not. While the opposite was true for the Anglo folk of old.

  • A man with crass language will get crushed by those legislating language, while a man who can write a thousand words that encapsulates the same message as that of the crass man's, will be untouched by the legislators. Why is that? The reason lies with the cost associated with consuming the knowledge.

  • It's a cliché that English people and the other peoples living in the Isles always talk about the weather, but UK weather can be pretty unpredictable, especially in Spring. So, with my family, we were trying to plan a day out. Lots of textbook user experience and user interface design nicely displayed the weather on some government-endorsed NGO networked text file. Lovely, but wait, when you then read the small 8pt text, you see that the weather station of the source for the information is 25 miles away in a different county. Then, using your wisdom of how the modern world is structured, and applying that to the situation, you realize the station is likely on an airstrip, or land of a radio broadcast tower, or a dock, each of which having a very different microclimate to the destination. So, why was information miss-presented in this way? The reason lies with the cost associated with transferring the knowledge of the context of the weather data.

Isomorphized Data

The human mind's pattern recognition is clearly tuned to work with synonyms and metaphors. You can tell a story with fairies and gnomes that mirrors a real-world event, and everyone will know what is being spoken of. The word isomorphism, meaning the quality of being of "equal form," is the most appropriate to discuss the aspects of this concept. The topic of isomorphism exists in mathematics, but that is a very different thing, with utility in network route finding.

The uncompressed real-world event experienced in real-time simply cannot transcend its locale and instance without some isomorphic transformation of information. This is the reason many philosophers have emphasized the piety of silence. This alludes to the hard truth that Woden is the highest god because without Woden giving us the ability to isomorphically describe the other gods, the other gods simply cannot exist, as the ability to articulate and pass on the knowledge of them simply does not exist.

Brevity travels faster than large data sets, but brevity hides details of a situation. This is in itself a problem, for a definition for evil that I stand by is that evil is action irrespective of the nuances of a situation. A lack of concern for any incorrect interpretation of isomorphized knowledge is evil, or, worse still, purposely negatively affecting a person's ability to obtain actionable knowledge. Put more succinctly; lying is bad. A lie is quick and dirty, whereas a detailed explanation of why something is a lie is costly to process and relay. It is clear why in literature on manipulation it is stressed that the best way to combat a lie is with another lie, not by trying to detail why it is a lie.

Returning to the example of a distributed system on a communication bus, let us have a macro level look at how to come to a compromised solution and in the process identify common ways of isomorphizing data.

As the nodes in the network have hard limits on their processing capability, some data simply needs to be ignored, i.e., filtered. As the communication bus has hard limits on available bandwidth, data both needs to be compressed and filtered in the form of limiting the broadcast frequency. Due to the limited capabilities of the nodes, there can be no data collision mitigation, to ensure data delivery. The limited capabilities of the nodes also means that a cryptographic means of securing communication is not possible, and so it is not possible to prevent malicious actors spoofing data.

  • Compression of data
  • Filtering of data
  • Unintended data loss
  • Malicious activity

A compromise is met, as the costs are shared out among the participants in the network, so that the necessary actionable knowledge is available.


To be quite frank, it is rude to expect others to exert themselves. Herein lies the power of spells and magick. Given the option of consuming raw information that needs to be processed to then come to a conclusion, versus being handed a conclusion, most people will gravitate to the pre-made conclusion, provided of course, that the mind picks out sufficient isomorphic properties that are consistent with their map of the world, i.e., the isomorphized knowledge needs to have hints of truth, or that hint of truth needs to be outsourced through the mechanism of trust.

We now can concisely identify formulas for magick, based upon the identified common types of isomorphized data.

  • Pre-expending the cost associated with transforming knowledge in the form of making memorable concise summaries
  • Pre-expending the cost associated with transporting knowledge in the form of massive advertising campaigns
  • Transforming knowledge into concise ambiguous statements
  • Transforming knowledge so that its authenticity is not determinable

Oligarchs do all of these, for it is a "Safe and Effective" way for them to maintain control. To shift the information center from one point to another involves great cost, i.e., shifting the Overton window is hard. This is why it is a craft of the oligarchical parasitic classes.

The most efficient attack method is to diminish the effectiveness of pre-expending the cost associated with isomorphizing knowledge.

Lies, lies, lies. Why the lies?

A long time ago, someone realized you can lie and make up bullshit, and then if you profess firmly enough with enough authority for long enough, it will supplant truth. One particular consequential string of lies is the root of the plight of my volk. It is also the reason that "safe and effective" remains a mantra with the effeminate, below-contempt blackguards that work for the UK police and in UK socialist positions. In spite of all these lies, some still admirably navigate their way through it all.

Those that ascribe to the popular doomsday cult of our time will attest that these admirable people are those of the seed from a garden of paradise, who have entered a notorious kingdom. Even if this story alluded to was built on lies, it must have hints of truth to have captivated so many people, for as one Poetic Edda mentions, all good poetry comes from Woden, Blake would attest to this too. If the seed planted in paradise marks the start of a story, what then is the story? In the most abstract macro sense, the story is that of the ascendance of the left brain. One aspect of the degeneracy present in the old obsessed-over texts champions the objectification of nature and folk. Now the left brain has ascended to such an apex that it has mimicked itself in the form of Turing machines and artificial neural nets.

The tribes of Woden prized wiliness, but that is very different from a culture prizing predatory lairs that are to the detriment of society as a whole. At some point in the past, man was happily using his hunter brain to track and catch game and make tools. Then came the monumental change that meant that man's survival did not hinge on his hunter brain. Game became domesticated and farmed, and so the hunter brain was left idle.

  • There were those who were inclined to turn their hunter brain to make new tools, explore new frontiers to sustain this new way of life. Perhaps symbolically the knights.
  • There were those who were inclined to turn their hunter brain to spread messages and understanding. Perhaps symbolically, the pages.
  • There were those who were inclined to turn their hunter brain to organize people to achieve ends. Perhaps symbolically, the king.
  • There were those who were inclined to turn their hunter brain towards people to maintain what they have. Perhaps symbolically, the queen.

The hunter brain was by and large turned on fellow man.

Now what?

You could say that this is it; a state in which almost all man is against all man, for all time. The fact that there is no parenting style/approach that is universal counters this point. An intelligent agent will game a situation, and situations are dynamic.

It feels like there are now more lies than ever. Markets are saturated, and simple tools can be reverse-engineered, and so there is a race to the bottom along side a push for ever more complexity, and the solutions offered to problems are often more hassle than they are worth. The game has changed, and once again, for many people, the hunter brain has lost its purpose. To compound the issue, we now have the adoption of AI. The information technology that came about over the last century shrank the cost of transferring knowledge, meaning that those with the most agency could impose their isomorphozed knowledge and, by extension, their will and reality on the masses. This advantage is now being undermined, for from now on it will be increasingly the case that only high-definition, timely, high frame rate content will be accepted as reliable digital knowledge, for everything else can merely be lumped into the growing sea of AI-generated content, and so, once again, transmitting and transferring knowledge is costly. In conjunction, local trust relationships will form and will become more prized over time, countering centralizing forces.
