The restless spirits long to guide

England lives

A reminder that England means Anglo-Land, and English means Anglo-ish, and, despite whatever maleficent out-groups, and corrupt sub in-groups, do, England will live on.

Drakes drums beat to the sickening scenes on streets seen,
Forefathers weep to think of what the blood spilt means,
Even though swine align with foreign scheming minds,
Statesmen double down and profit from all their crimes,

England lives, ( within us ), England lives, ever on,

Long lost Saxon crowns are now longing to be found,
The kings of old are stirring in their sacred grounds,
Even though the Torah loving bred self-hating,
Newer sovereigns chose neglect to lock our fate in,

England lives, ( within us ), England lives, on and on,

The rolling green quaint paradise,
Oaks of old towering in heights,
The crashing waves of coastal tides,
Larks and robins in graceful flight,
Rose gardens lit by our shy sun,
All the great battles fought and won,
Lines that greats got inspired to write,
The grit, the vision, the fire, the fight,

England lives, ( within us ), England lives, ever on,

Wyverns awake to sate their craving to spit flame,
Battle cries echo within flowing blood in veins,
Even though a national idol fire pit killed his kin,
A prince got crowned while among dead youth preying men,

England lives, ( within us ), England lives, ever on,
England lives, ( within us ), England lives, on and on,

September 07, 2024